ECOlogical and coevolutionary dynamics of SPECIES interactions


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212) Dáttilo, W. (2025). Beyond the bites: rethinking seed-dispersal networks in plant-frugivore studies. Food Webs  42: e00384.

211) Ratoni, B.; Cruz, C.P.; Novais, S.; Rodríguez-Morales, D.; Neves, F.S.; Ayala, R.; Dáttilo, W. (2025). Temporal decay of similarity in bee-plant relationships throughout the day. Oecologia  207: id2.

210) Anjos et al. (many authors including Dáttilo, W.) (2025). Distance from nest and climate explain geographical trends of harvester ant’s food resource use: a multi-species approach. Journal of Biogeography 52: 1-12.

209) Miranda, P.N.; Ribeiro, J.E.L.S.; Brasil, I.; Delabie, J.H.C.; Lopes, J.; Dáttilo, W. (2025). The rainfall seasonality of Brazilian Amazon tropical rainforests influences on the organization of ant-plant interaction networks. Tropical Ecology (in press).

208) Baena-Díaz, F.; Porter, L. Merced, F.R.; Chévez, E.; Dáttilo, W. (2025). Environmental and social drivers of beekeeping in the Gulf of Mexico region. Journal of Apicultural Research (in press).


207) Dáttilo, W.; Cabrera-Cruz, S.A.; Gallo-Gómez, C.A.; Serio-Silva, J.C.; Villegas-Patraca, R. (2024). Current status of the remaining Mexican cloud forests: landscape findings and conservation initiatives. PeerJ  12:e18386.

206) Rivera-Núñez, T.; Arcadia, A.L.; Contreras-Mora, A.; Ratoni, B.; Domínguez, E.U.R.; Rivera-Núñez, I.M; Guzmán, M.J.R.; Lugo-Castilla, S.L.; Inzunza, E.R.; Villalobos, F.; Laborde, J.; Martínez-Gómez, J.; Merçon, J.; Boege, K.; Dáttilo, W. (2024). The decolonization dilemma at different stages of the academic career. Nature Ecology & Evolution  8: 1559–1560.

205) Ratoni, B.; Cruz, C.P.; Guevara, R.; González-Tokman, D.; Ayala, R.; Baena, F.; Dáttilo, W. (2024). Thermal tolerance and sociality explain the interactive role of bees in a pollination network. Oikos  (in press).

204) Zvereva et al. (many authors including Dáttilo, W.) (2024). Predation on live and artificial insect prey shows different global latitudinal patterns. Global Ecology and Biogeography 33: e13899.

203) Hernández-Rivera, A.; Dáttilo, W.; Montoya, B.; Villegas-Patraca, R.; González-Tokman, D. (2024). Effects of urbanization on orchid bee diversity and orchid pollination: From Neotropical cloud forests to urban cores. Science of the Total Environment 954: e176553.

202) Cruz, C.P.; Luna, P.; Villalobos, F.; Guevara, R.;Hinojoza-Díaz, I.; Dáttilo, W. (2024). The central importance of the honeybee (Apis mellifera L.) within plant-bee interaction networks decreases along a Neotropical elevational gradient. Ecological Complexity 60: e101105.

201) Oliveira, J.B.B.S.; Oliveira, H.F.M.; Dáttilo, W.; Paolucci, L.N. (2024). Anthropogenic impacts on plant-pollinator networks of tropical forests: implications for pollinators coextinction. Biodiversity and Conservation (in press).

200) Wakil, W.; Kavallieratos, N.G.;  Eleftheriadou, N.; Ghazanfar, M.U.; Harvey, J.; El-Shafie, H.A.F.; Blankson, A.; Gurr, G.M.; Dáttilo, W.; González-Tokman, D.; Hernández, A. (2024). Climate change, insect pests and consequences for sustainable agriculture and food security. Entomologia Generalis (in press).

199) Martello, F.; Dáttilo, W.; Souza-Campana, D.R.; Medeiros, H.R.; Silva, R.R.; Ribeiro, M.C.; Morini, M.S. (2024). Eucalyptus plantation reduces diversity and disrupts predator-prey correlations of soil invertebrates within Atlantic Forest. Forest Ecology and Management  553: id121592.

198) Juárez–Fragoso, M.A.; Perroni–Ventura, Y., Dáttilo, W.; Gómez–Díaz, J.A.;  Guevara, R. (2024). The landscape scale of effect on the alpha and beta diversities of woody species in a semideciduous tropical forest. Landscape Ecology 39: e33.

197) MacGregor-Fors, I. & Dáttilo, W. (2024). Dissecting the peer-review process: A cross-disciplinary study of editor and reviewer roles in academia. Animal Biodiversity and Conservation 47: 227-231.

196) Rocha, C.S.; Dáttilo, W.; Morante-Filho, J.C.; Araújo-Santos, I.; Cabral, J.P.; Benchimol, M. (2024). Seed-bird co-occurrence networks in cocoa agroforests: morphological matching analysis reveals shading effects on network organization. Journal for Nature Conservation 79: e126630.

195) Martín-Cruz, M.A.; Villegas-Patraca, R.; Dáttilo, W.; Enriquez, P.L.; Ruelas-Inzunza, E. (2024). Occupancy dynamics of the mottled owl Strix virgata using object-based image analysis along an urbanized Neotropical gradient. Global Ecology and Conservation 55: e03243.

194) Gómez-Díaz, J.; Carvajal-Hernández, C.; Dáttilo, W. (2024). Past, present and future in the geographical distribution of Mexican tepezmaite cycads: genus Ceratozamia. PLoS One 19: e0284007.

193) Quijano-Cuervo, L.G; del-Val, E.; Macías-Ordóñez, R.; Dáttilo, W.; Negrete-Yankelevich, S. (2024). Spider guilds in a maize polyculture respond differently to plant diversification, landscape composition and stage of the agricultural cycle. Agricultural and Forest Entomology 26: 373-385.

192) Luna, P.; García-Colón, A.; Hinojosa-Díaz, I.; Dáttilo, W. (2024). Temperature and precipitation explain bee diversity on flowers along an elevation gradient in the Mexican Transition Zone. Sociobiology 71(4): e10455.

191) Gutiérrez–Rodríguez, B.E.; Dáttilo, W.; Villalobos, F.; Sosa, V. (2024). Areas of endemism of the orchids of Megamexico: hotspots of biotic interactions with pollinators. Journal of Systematics and Evolution (in press).

190) Lima, S.R.O.; Sá, E.C.O.; Morais, P.N.; Silva, T.G.M.;  Dáttilo, W.; Araújo, W.S. (2024). Ant-plant networks exhibit distinct species diversity but similar organization in urban and wild areas of Neotropical savannas. Urban Ecosystems 27: 1807-1817.

189) Pinilla-Cruz, C.E.; Ratoni, B.; Villalobos, F.; Ayala, R.; Hinojoza-Díaz, I.; Dáttilo, W. (2024). Drivers of flower visit and resource sharing between the honeybee and native bees in a Neotropical coastal sand dunes. The Science of Nature 111; id2.

188) Barreiro, J.B.; Ratoni, B.; Baena-Díaz, F.; González-Tokman, D.; Dáttilo, W. (2024). Thermal Tolerance of Honeybees (Apis mellifera L) Changes Across an Elevation Gradient in the Mexican Transition Zone. Sociobiology 71: e10155.

187) Miranda, P.N.; Ribeiro, J.E.L.S.; Aguirre, A; Brasil, I.; Dáttilo, W. (2024). Morphological characterization of extrafloral nectaries in Brazilian Amazonian plant species. Acta Botanica Mexicana 131: e2241.

186) Esparza-Rodríguez, Z.; Serio-Silva, J.C.; Dáttilo, W.; Arroyo-Quiroz, I. (2024). Risk areas of illegal primate trafficking; estimating capture pressure and vulnerability. Animal Biodiversity and Conservation 47: 233-245.

185) Morales-Trejo, J.; Dáttilo, W.; Zurita, G.; Arellano, L. (2024). Duration of Cattle Ranching Affects Dung Beetle Diversity and Secondary Seed Removal in Tropical Dry Forest Landscapes. Insects 15(10); id749.

184) González-Tokman, D. and Dáttilo, W. (Eds.) (2024). Book: Effects of Climate Change on Insects: Physiological, Evolutionary, and Ecological Responses. ISBN: 9780192864161. Oxford University Press. 376p.

183) Dáttilo, W. and González-Tokman, D. (2024). Anthropogenic Climate Change: Causes, Consequences, and a Call to Action and Research. In: González-Tokman, D. and Dáttilo, W. (Eds.) Book: Effects of Climate Change on Insects: Physiological, Evolutionary, and Ecological Responses. ISBN: 9780192864161. Oxford University Press. pp. 1-10.

182) González-Tokman, D.; De Gasperin, O.; Dáttilo, W. (2024). Improving our Understanding of Insect Responses to Climate Change: Current Knowledge and Future Perspectives. In: González-Tokman, D. and Dáttilo, W. (Eds.) Book: Effects of Climate Change on Insects: Physiological, Evolutionary, and Ecological Responses. ISBN: 9780192864161. Oxford University Press. pp. 353-358.

181) Luna, P. and  Dáttilo, W. (2024). Climate Change Disrupts Insect Biotic Interactions: Cascading Effects Through the Web of Life. In: González-Tokman, D. and Dáttilo, W. (Eds.) Book: Effects of Climate Change on Insects: Physiological, Evolutionary, and Ecological Responses. ISBN: 9780192864161. Oxford University Press. pp. 303-327.


180)  Dáttilo, W.; Regolin, A.L.; Baena-Díaz, F.; Boscolo, D. (2023). Spatial scaling involving the complexity of biotic interactions: integrating concepts, current status, and future perspectives. Current Landscape Ecology Reports 8: 137-148.

179)  Dáttilo, W.; Luna, P.; Villegas-Patraca, R. (2023). Invasive plant species driving the biotic homogenization of plant–frugivore interactions in the Atlantic Forest biodiversity hotspot. Plants 12: id1845

178) Robinson et al. (many authors including Dáttilo, W.) (2023). Plant size, latitude, and phylogeny explain within-population variability in herbivory. Science 382: 679-683

177) Carvalho et al. (many authors including Dáttilo, W.) (2023). Pervasive gaps in Amazonian ecological research. Current Biology 33: 3495-3504.

176) Luna, P.; Villalobos, F.; Escobar, F.; Neves, F.S.; Castillo-Campos, G.;  Hinojosa-Díaz, I.; Cagnolo, L.; del-Val, E.; Leponce, M.; Dáttilo, W. (2023). Temperature dissimilarity drives flower-visitor interaction turnover across elevation in the Mexican Transition Zone. Journal of Biogeography 50: 1737-1748.

175) Moulatlet, G.; Dáttilo, W.; Villalobos, F. (2023). Species-level drivers of avian centrality within seed-dispersal networks across different levels of organization. Journal of Animal Ecology 92: 2126-2137.

174) Tonella et al. (many authors including Dáttilo, W.) (2023). NEOTROPICAL FRESHWATER FISHES: a dataset of occurrence and abundance of freshwater fishes in the Neotropics. Ecology 104: e3713.

173) Belchior, M.; Neves, F.S.; Dáttilo, W.; Camarota, F. (2023). Species turnover increases ant-trophobiont interaction dissimilarities along a geographical gradient.  Insect Conservation and Diversity 16: 88-96.

172) Rodríguez-Hernández, K.; Álvarez-Mendizábal, P.; Chapa-Vargas, L.; Escobar, F.; Dáttilo, W.; Santiago-Alarcon, D. (2023). Infection intensity shapes specialization and beta diversity of haemosporidian-bird networks across elevations. Ecosphere 14: e4481.

171) Feitosa et al. (many authors including Dáttilo, W.) (2023). From species descriptions to diversity patterns: the validation of taxonomic data as a keystone for ant diversity studies reproducibility and accuracy. Royal Society Open Science 10: id221170.

170) Botello, A.M.P.; Dáttilo, W.; Simões, W. (2023). Geographic range size and species morphology determines the organization of sponge host-guest interaction networks across tropical coral reefs. PeerJ 11: e16381.

169) Juárez-Juárez, B.; Dáttilo, W.; Moreno, C. (2023). Synthesis and perspectives on the study of ant-plant interaction networks: a global overview. Ecological Entomology 48: 269-283.

168) Camarota, F.; Dáttilo, W.; da Silva, P.G.; Castro, F.S.; Beirão, M.V.; Corro, E.; Fernandes, G.W.; Neves, F.S. (2023). The spatial distribution of insect communities of a mountaintop forest archipelago is not correlated with landscape structure: a multitaxa approach. Insect Conservation and Diversity 16: 790-800.

167) Queiroz et al. (many authors including Dáttilo, W.) (2023). Ant diversity decreases during the dry season: a meta- analysis of the effects of seasonality on ant richness and abundance. Biotropica 55: 29-39.

166) Ratoni, B.; Ahuatzin, D.; Corro, E.J.; Salomão, R.P.; Escobar, F.;  López-Acosta, J.C.; Dáttilo, W. (2023). Landscape composition shapes biomass, taxonomic and functional diversity of dung beetles within human-modified tropical rainforests. Journal of Insect Conservation 27: 717-728.

165) Esparza-Rodríguez, Z.; Chapman, C.A.; Reuter, A.; Gallina-Tessaro, S.; Dáttilo, W.; Serio-Silva, J.C. (2023). Estimating the Impact of the Illegal Trade of Primates in Mexico: A Potential Threat to Wildlife. Folia Primatologica 94: 265-275.

164) Sánchez-Barradas, A.; Dáttilo, W.; Santiago-Alarcón, S.; Kissling, D.; Villalobos, F. (2023). Combining geographic distribution and trait information to infer predator-prey species-level interaction properties. Diversity 15(1): id61.

163) Esquivel-Román, A.; Dáttilo, W.; Cruz-Rosales, M.; del Val, E.; González-Tokman, D. (2023). Invader’s success: behavioral and reproductive plasticity of interacting exotic dung beetles. Behaviour 160: 593-615.

162) Mello, R.M.; Laurindo, R.S.; Silva, L.C.; Pyles, M.V.; Bernardi, L.F.O.; Mancini, M.C.S.; Dáttilo, W.; Gregorin, R. (2023). Configuration and composition of human-dominated tropical landscapes affect the prevalence and average intensity of mite and fly infestation in Phyllostomidae bats. Parasitology Research 122: 127–137

161) Reverchon, F.; García-Meléndez, M.; Guevara-Avendaño, E.; Mora-Chávez, O.; Solís-García, I.A.; Dáttilo, W.; Guererro-Analco, J.A.; Méndez-Bravo, A.; Monribot-Villanueva, J.L.; Patiño-Conde, V.; Pineda-García, F.; Rebollar, E.A. (2023). Shifts in the rhizosphere microbiome and exudation profile of avocado (Persea americana Mill.) during infection by Phytophthora cinnamomi and in presence of a biocontrol bacterial strain. CABI Agriculture and Bioscience 4: id23.

160) Pérez-Hernández, C.X.; Dáttilo, W.; Corona-López, A.M.; Toledo-Hernández, V.H.; del-Val, E. (2023). Buprestid trophic guilds differ in their structural role shaping ecological networks with their host plants. Arthropod-Plant Interactions 17: 65–76.

159)  Ahuatzin, D.; Dáttilo, W.; Escobar-Henández, F.; Demeza, A.; Arellano, L. (2023). Spatio‐temporal variation of dung beetle (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) assemblages in a community ecological reserve of southeastern Mexico. Revista Mexicana de Biodiversidad 94: e944875.

158) García-Prieto, L.; Dáttilo, W.; Rubio-Godoy, M.; Pérez-Ponce de León, G. (2023). Unravelling fish-parasite interactions throughout Mexico over an 85-year period. Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America 104(1): e02023.

157) Barretto, J.W.; Medina, C.C.; Luna, P.; Dáttilo, W.; Escobar, F. (2023). Population and movement ecology of two life-history contrasting dung beetle species in a tropical human-modified landscape. Ecological Entomology 48: 485-498.

156) Juárez–Fragoso, M.A.; Perroni–Ventura, Y.; Dáttilo, W.; Gómez–Díaz, J.A.; Guevara, R. (2023). Identificando zonas potenciales de conservación en el trópico mexicano usando descriptores del paisaje. Madera y Bosques 29: e2922507.


155) Dáttilo, W.; Corro, E.; Ahuatzin, D.A.; Regolin, A.L.; López-Acosta, J.C.; Ribeiro, M.C. (2022). Scale of effect matters: forest cover influences on tropical ant-plant ecological networks. Food Webs 33: e00256.

154) Dáttilo, W.; Cruz, C.P.; Luna, P.; Ratoni, B.; Hinojosa-Díaz, I.A.; Neves, F.S.; Leponce, M.; Villalobos, F.; Guevara, R. (2022). The impact of the honeybee Apis mellifera on the organization of pollination networks is positively related with its interactive role throughout its geographic range. Diversity 22: id917.

153) Luna, P.; Villalobos, F.; Escobar, F.; Neves, F.; Dáttilo, W. (2022). Global trends in the trophic specialization of flower-visitor networks are explained by current and historical climate. Ecology Letters 25: 113-124.

152) Romero, G.Q.; Gonçalves-Souza, T.; Roslin, T.; Marquis, R.J.; Marino, N.A.C.; Novotny, V.; Cornelissen, T.; Orivel, J.; Sui, S.; Aires, G.; Antoniazzi, R.; Dáttilo, W. et al.  (2022). Climate variability and aridity modulate the role of leaf shelters for arthropods: a global experiment. Global Change Biology 28: 3694-3710.

151) Remolina-Figueroa, D.; Prieto-Torres, D.;  Dáttilo, W.; Salgado Díaz, E.; Nuñez-Rosas, L.R.; Rodríguez-Flores, C.; Navarro-Sigüenza, A.G.; Coro Arizmendi, M. (2022). Together forever? Hummingbird-plant relationships in the face of climate warming. Climate Change (in press).

150) Pinilla-Cruz, C.; Luna, P.; Guevara, R.; Hinojosa-Díaz, I.A.; Villalobos, F.; Dáttilo, W. (2022). Climate and human influence shape the interactive role of the honeybee in pollination networks beyond its native distributional range. Basic and Applied Ecology 63: 186-195.

149) Ahuatzin, D.A.; González-Tokman, D.; Silva, R.R.; Valenzuela-González, J.E.; Escobar, F.; Ribeiro, M.C.;  López-Acosta, J.C.; Dáttilo, W. (2022). Forest cover modulates diversity and morphological traits of ants in highly fragmented tropical forest landscapes. Biodiversity and Conservation 31, 2097–2117.

148) Silva et al. (many authors including Dáttilo, W.) (2022). ATLANTIC ANTS: a dataset of ants in Atlantic Forests of South America. Ecology 103(2): e03580.

147) Quijano-Cuervo, L.G.; Rao, D.; Escobar, F.; Dáttilo, W.; Negrete-Yankelevich, S. (2022). Shade tree isolation in pastures modulates diversity of epiphyte-dwelling spiders: the role of epiphyte biomass and species dispersal capacity. Insect Conservation and Diversity 15: 682-692.

146) Feitosa et al. (many authors including Dáttilo, W.) (2022). Ants of Brazil: an overview based on 50 years of diversity studies. Systematics and Biodiversity 20: id2089268.

145) Castro-e-Silva, A.; Bernardes, A.T.; Barbosa, A.G.; Chagas, I.A.S.; Dáttilo, W.; Reis, A.B.; Ribeiro, S.P. (2022). Successive pandemic waves with more virulent strains, and the effects  of vaccination for SARS-CoV-2. Vaccines 10(3): id343.

144) García-Prieto, L.; Dáttilo, W.; Rubio-Godoy, M.; Pérez-Ponce de León, G. (2022). Fish-parasite interactions: a dataset of continental waters in Mexico involving fishes and their helminth fauna. Ecology (in press).

143) Andrade-Ponce, G.P.; Mandujano, S.; Dáttilo, W.; Farías- González, V.; Jiménez, J.; Velásquez-C, K.; Zavaleta, A. (2022). A Framework to interpret co-occurrence patterns from camera trap data: the case of the gray fox, bobcat, and eastern cottontail rabbit in a tropical dry habitat. Journal of Zoology 318: 91-103.

142) MacGregor-Fors, I.; Escobar, F.; Escobar-Ibáñez, J.F.; Mesa-Sierra, N.; Alvarado, F.; Rueda-Hernández, R.; Moreno, C.E.; Falfán, I.; Corro, E.; Pineda, E.; Bourg, A.; Aguilar-López, J.L.; Dáttilo, W. (2022). Shopping for ecological indices? On the use of incidence-based species compositional similarity measures. Diversity 14, id384.

141) Sanaphre-Villanueva, L.; Pineda-García, F.; Dáttilo, W.; Pinzón-Pérez, L.F.; Ricaño-Rocha, A.; Paz, H. (2022). Above and below ground trait coordination in tree seedlings depend on the most limiting resource: A test comparing a wet and a dry tropical forest in Mexico. PeerJ 10:e13458.

140) Corro, E.J.; Villalobos, F.; Lira-Noriega, A.; Guevara, R.; Dáttilo, W. (2022). Current climate and latitude shape the structure of bat-fruit interaction networks throughout the Neotropical region. Écoscience 29: 179-189.

139) Pereira et al. (many authors including Dáttilo, W.) (2022). Subtle structures with not-so-subtle functions: a dataset of arthropod constructs and their host plants. Ecology 103(4): e3639.

138) Ahuatzin, D.A.; González-Tokman, D.; Valenzuela-González; Escobar, F.; Ribeiro, M.C.; López-Acosta, J.C.; Dáttilo, W. (2022). Sampling bias in multiscale ant diversity responses to landscape composition in a human-disturbed rainforest. Insectes Sociaux 69: 47–58.

137)  Lourenço, G.M.; Dáttilo, W.; Ribeiro, S.P.; Freitas, A.V.L. (2022). Biological aspects and movements of Neotropical fruit-feeding butterflies. Neotropical Entomology 51: 43–53.

136) Miranda, P.N.; Ribeiro, J.E.L.S.; Corro, E.J.; Brasil, I.; Delabie, J.H.C.; Dáttilo, W. (2022). Structural stability of ant-plant mutualistic networks mediated by extrafloral nectaries to forest fragmentation in the Brazilian Amazon. Sociobiology 69(3): e8261.

135)  Torres-Anaya, D.A.; Dáttilo, W.; Rosas-Saito, G.H.; Serio-Silva, J.C. (2022). Scarification of yellow mombin endocarps Spondias mombin (Anacardiaceae) due to passage through the digestive tract of mantled howler monkeys (Alouatta palliata mexicana): a microscopic look. Acta Botanica Mexicana 129: e2023.

134) Schmidt et al. (many authors including Dáttilo, W.) (2022). Ant diversity studies in Brazil: an overview of the myrmecological research in a megadiverse country. Insectes Sociaux 69: 105–121.


133) Dáttilo, W. and MacGregor-Fors, I. (2021). Ant social foraging strategies along a Neotropical gradient of urbanization. Scientific Reports 11: id6119.

132) Dáttilo, W. ; Serio‐Silva, J. C.; Thompson, J. N.; Del‐Claro, K.; Guimaraes-Jr, P.R.; Oliveira, P.S.; Jordano, P.; Marquis, R.J.; Koptur, S. (2021). In remembrance of Victor Rico Gray (1951‐2021): An astonishing tropical ecologist. Biotropica 53: 1238-1243.

131) Mendes et al. (many authors including Dáttilo, W.) (2021). HOW MUCH LEAF AREA DO INSECTS EAT? A dataset of insect herbivory sampled globally with a standardized protocol. Ecology 102: e03301.

130) Joaqui, T.; Cultid-Medina, C.A.; Dáttilo, W.; Escobar, F. (2021). Different dung beetle diversity patterns emerge from overlapping biotas in a large mountain range of the Mexican Transition Zone. Journal of Biogeography 48: 1284-1295.

129) Corro, E.J.; Villalobos, F.; Lira-Noriega, A.; Guevara, R.; Guimarães-Jr, P.R.; Dáttilo, W. (2021). Annual precipitation predicts the phylogenetic signal in bat—fruit interaction networks across the Neotropics. Biology Letters 17: id20210478.

128) Antoniazzi, R.; Camarota, F.; Leponce, M.; Dáttilo, W. (2021). Discovery-defense strategy as a mechanism of social foraging of ants in tropical rainforest canopies. Behavioral Ecology 32: 1022-1031.

127) Pena, J.C.; Aoki-Gonçalves, F.; Dáttilo, W.; Ribeiro, M.C.; MacGregor-Fors, I. (2021). Caterpillars’ natural enemies and attack probability in an urbanization intensity gradient across a Neotropical streetscape. Ecological Indicators 128: id107851.

126) Araújo, G.J.; Storck-Tonon, D.; Dáttilo, W.; Izzo, T.J.  (2021). Is being green what matters? Functional diversity of cavity-nesting bees and wasps and their interaction networks with parasites in different reforestation types in Amazonia. Insect Conservation and Diversity 14: 620-634.

125) Neves, F.S.; Da Silva, P.G.; Solar, R.; Nunes, C.A.; Beirão, M.V.; Brant, H.; Castro, F.S.; Dáttilo, W.; Guevara, R.; Fernandes, G.W. (2021). Habitat generalists drive nestedness in a tropical mountaintop insect metacommunity. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 133: 577-586.

124) Teixido, A.L.; Sehn, H.; Quintanilla, L.G.; Gonçalves, S.R.A.; Arellano, G.J.F.; Dáttilo, W.; Izzo, T.J.; Layme, V.M.; Moreira, L.F.B. (2021). A meta-analysis of the effects of fragmentation on the megadiverse herpetofauna of Brazil. Biotropica 53: 726-737.

123) Mello, R.M.; Laurindo, R.S.; Silva, L.C.; Pyles, M.V.; Mancini, M.C.S.; Dáttilo, W.; Gregorin, R. (2021). Landscape configuration and composition shape mutualistic and antagonistic interactions among plants, bats, and ectoparasites in human-dominated tropical rainforests. Acta Oecologica 112: 103769.

122) Antoniazzi, R.; Guevara, R.; García-Franco, J.; Janda, M.; Leponce, M.; Dáttilo, W.  (2021). Environmental drivers of ant dominance in a tropical rainforest canopy at different spatial scales. Ecological Entomology 46: 440-450.

121) Regolin, A.L.; Muylaert, R.L.; Crestani, A.C.; Dáttilo, W.; Ribeiro, M.C. (2021). Seed dispersal by Neotropical bats in human-disturbed landscapes. Wildlife Research 48: 1-6.

120)  Luna, P.; García-Chávez, J.H.; Izzo, T.; Sosa, V.J.; Del-Claro, K.; Dáttilo, W. (2021). Neutral and niche‐based factors simultaneously drive seed and invertebrate removal by red harvester ants. Ecological Entomology 46: 816-826.

119)  Ribeiro, S.P.; Reis, A.B.; Dáttilo, W.; Silva, A.V.C.C., Barbosa, E.A.G., Coura-Vital, W.; Góes-Neto, A.; Azevedo, V.A.C.; Fernandes, G.W. (2021). From Spanish Flu to Syndemic COVID-19: long-standing sanitarian vulnerability of Manaus, warnings from the Brazilian rainforest gateway. Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências 93: e20210431

118) Viana-Junior, A.B.; Mitraud, P.; Dáttilo, W.; DeSouza, O.; Neves, F.S. (2021). Elevational environmental stress modulating species cohabitation in nests of a social insect. Ecological Entomology 46: 48-55.

117) Luna, P. and Dáttilo, W. (2021). Disentangling plant-animal interactions into complex networks: a multi-view approach and perspectives. In: Del-Claro, K. and Torezan-Silingardi, H. (Eds.) Book: Plant-Animal Interactions: sources of biodiversity. Springer Publisher. pp. 261-281.

  116) Dáttilo, W. et al. (many authors) (2020). MEXICO ANTS: incidence and abundance along the Nearctic-Neotropical interface. Ecology 101: e02944. Press release
  115) Dáttilo, W.; Barrozo-Chávez, N.; Lira-Noriega, A.; Guevara, R.; Villalobos, F.; Santiago-Alarcon, D.; Neves, F.S.; Izzo, T.J.; Ribeiro, S.P. (2020). Species-level drivers of mammalian ectoparasite faunas. Journal of Animal Ecology 89: 1754-1765.
  114) González-Tokman, D.; Córdoba-Aguilar, A.; Dáttilo, W.; Lira-Noriega, A.; Sánchez-Guillén, R.A.; Villalobos, F. (2020). Insect responses to heat: physiological mechanisms, evolution and ecological implications in a warming world. Biological Reviews 95: 802-821.
  113) Carreira, D.C.; Dáttilo, W.; Bruno, D.L.; Percequillo, A.; Ferraz, K.M.P.M.B.; Galetti, M. (2020). Small vertebrates are key elements in the frugivory networks of a hyperdiverse tropical forest. Scientific Reports 10: id10594.
  112) Rosa et al. (many authors including Dáttilo, W.) (2020). NEOTROPICAL ALIEN MAMMALS: a dataset of occurrence and abundance of alien mammals in the Neotropics. Ecology 101: e03115.
  111) Marín-Gómez, O.H.; Dáttilo, W.; Sosa-Lopez, J.R.; Santiago-Alarcón, D.; MacGregor-Fors, I. (2020). Where has the city choir gone? Loss of the temporal structure of bird dawn choruses in urban areas. Landscape and Urban Planning 194: id103665.

110) Chávez-González, E.; Vizentin-Bugoni, J.; Vázquez, D.P.; MacGregor-Fors, I.; Dáttilo, W.; Ortiz-Pulido, R.. (2020). Drivers of the structure of plant-hummingbird interaction networks at multiple temporal scales. Oecologia 193: 913–924..
  109) Silva, C.V.C.; Goldas, C.S.; Dáttilo, W.; Dröse, W.; Mendonça-Jr, M.S.; Podgaiski, L.R. (2020). Effects of time-since-fire on ant-plant interactions in southern Brazilian grasslands. Ecological Indicators 122: id106094.

108) Teixido, A.; Gonçalves, S.R.A.; Arellano, G.; Dáttilo, W.; Izzo, T.J.; Layme, V.; Moreira, L.; Quintanilla, L. (2020). Major biases and knowledge gaps on fragmentation research in Brazil: implications for conservation. Biological Conservation 251: id108749.
  107) Nagy-Reis et al. (many authors including Dáttilo, W.) (2020). NEOTROPICAL CARNIVORES: a dataset on carnivore distribution in the Neotropics. Ecology 101: e03128.
  106) Messeder, J.V.S.; Guerra, T.J.; Dáttilo, W.; Silveira, F.A.O. (2020). Searching for keystone plant resources in fruit-frugivore interaction networks across the Neotropics. Biotropica 52: 857-870.

105) Antoniazzi, R.; Viana-Jr, A.; Pelayo-Martínez, J.; Ortiz-Lozada, L.; Neves, F.S.; Leponce, M.; Dáttilo, W. (2021). Distance-decay patterns differ between canopy and ground ant assemblages in a tropical rainforest. Journal of Tropical Ecology 36: 234-242.
  104) Campião, K. and Dáttilo, W. (2020). Biological drivers of individual-based anuran-parasite networks under contrasting environmental conditions. Journal of Helminthology 94: e167.
  103) Antoniazzi, R.; García-Franco, J.; Janda, M.; Leponce, M.; Dáttilo, W. (2020). Diurnal foraging ant–tree co-occurrence networks are similar between canopy and understorey in a Neotropical rainforest. Biotropica 52: 717-729.
  102) Luna, P.; Corro, E.; Antoniazzi, R.; Dáttilo, W. (2020). Measuring and linking the missing part of biodiversity and ecosystem function: the diversity of biotic interactions. Diversity 12(3): id86.
  101) Ramírez-Ortiz, H.; Dáttilo, W.; Yañez-Arenas, C.; Lira-Noriega, A. (2020). Potential distribution and predator-prey interactions with terrestrial vertebrates of four pet commercialized exotic snakes in Mexico. Acta Oecologica 103: id103526.
  100) Salazar-Rivera, G.I.; Dáttilo, W.; Castillo-Campos, G.; Flores-Estévez, N.; RamírezGarcía, B.; Ruelas-Inzunza, E. (2020). The frugivory network properties of a simplified ecosystem: birds and plants in a neotropical periurban park. Ecology and Evolution 10: 8579-8591.
  99) Dáttilo, W. et al. (many authors) (2020). Mexico’s ants: Who are they and where do they live?. Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America 101(2): e01666.

98) Ribeiro, S.P.; Dáttilo, W.; Barbosa, D.S.; Coura-Vital, W.; Das Chagas, I.A.S.; Dias, C.P.; Silva, A.C.; Morais, M.H.F.; Góes-Neto, A.; Azevedo, V.A.C.; Fernandes, G.W.; Reis, A.B. (2020). Worldwide COVID-19 spreading explained: traveling numbers as a primary driver for the pandemic. Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências 92(3): e20201139.
  97) Ribeiro, S.P.; Silva, A.C.; Dáttilo, W.; Reis, A.B.; Góes-Neto, A.; Alcantara, L.C.J.; Giovanetti, M.; Coura-Vital, W.; Fernandes, G.W.; Azevedo, V.A.C. (2020). Severe airport sanitarian control could slow down the spreading of COVID-19 pandemics in Brazil. PeerJ 8: e9446.
  96) Lourenço, G.M.; Luna, P.; Guevara, R.; Dáttilo, W.; Freitas, A.V.L.; Ribeiro, S.P. (2020). Temporal shifts in butterfly diversity: responses to natural and anthropic forest transitions. Journal of Insect Conservation 24: 353-363.
  95) Fernandes, T.T.; Dáttilo, W.; Silva, R.R., Luna, P.; Braz, A.B.; Morini, M.S.C. (2020). Cohabitation and niche overlap in the occupation of twigs by arthropods in the leaf litter of Brazilian Atlantic Forest. Insectes Sociaux 67: 239-247..
  94) Antoniazzi, R.; Ahuatzin, D.; Pelayo-Martínez. J.; Ortiz-Lozada, L.; Leponce, M.; Dáttilo, W. (2020). On the effectiveness of hand collection to complement baits when studying ant vertical stratification in tropical rainforests. Sociobiology 67: 213-222.
  93) Monteiro, G.F.; Macedo-Reis, L.E.; Dáttilo, W.; Fernandes, G.W.; Castro, F.S.; Neves, F.S. (2020). Ecological interactions among insect herbivores, ants and the host plant Baccharis dracunculifolia in a Brazilian mountain ecosystem. Austral Ecology 45: 158-167.
  92) Díaz-Castelazo, C.; Martínez-Adriano, C.A.; Dáttilo, W.; Rico-Gray, V. (2019). Relative contribution of ecological and biological attributes in the fine-grain structure of ant-plant networks. PeerJ 8: e8314.
  91) Pena, J.C.C.; Luna, P.; Aoki-Gonçalves, F.; Jacobo, M.F.C.; Patiño, T.M.; Sánchez-Morales, K.; Viver-Vázquez, M.; García-Chavez, J.H.; Dáttilo, W. (2020). I can see you: temporal variation in ant aggressiveness towards herbivores under continuous provision of high- or low-quality food sources. Sociobiology 67: 26-32.
  90) Corro, E.; Dáttilo, W.; Villalobos, F. (2020). A macroecological perspective on antagonistic interactions through the lens of ecological networks. In: Santiago-Alarcon, D. and Marzal, A. (Eds.) Book: Avian malaria and related parasites in the tropics: ecology, evolution, and systematics. ISBN: 978-3-030-51632-1. Springer Publisher. pp. 331-347
  89) Luna, P.; Antoniazzi, R.; Ahuatzin, D.; Teodosio, I.; Corro, E.; Dáttilo, W. (2020). Los verdaderos productores de nuestros alimentos están en riesgo: los polinizadores. In: Esper, B.A.; Cruz, D.M.; García, A.K.D.; Navarro, F.C. (Eds.) Book: De costa a costa: la unión lace la ciencia. ISBN: 978-607-97181-3-8. Instituto de Apoyo a la Investigación e Innovación. pp. 17-18.
  88) Dáttilo, W. and Vasconcelos, H.L. (2019). Macroecological patterns and correlates of ant-tree interaction networks in Neotropical savannas. Global Ecology and Biogeography 28: 1283-1294.
  87) Dáttilo, W.; Vizentin-Bugoni, J.; Debastiani, V.; Jordano, P.; Izzo, T.J. (2019). The influence of spatial sampling scales on ant-plant interaction network architecture. Journal of Animal Ecology 88: 903-914.
  86) Santos, P.M. et al. (many authors including Dáttilo, W.) (2019). Neotropical Xenarthrans: a dataset of ocurruence of xenarthran species in the neotropics. Ecology 100: e02663.
  85) Corro, E.J.; Ahuatzin, D.A.; Aguirre, A.; Favila, M.E..; Ribeiro, M.C.; Acosta, J.C.L.; Dáttilo, W. (2019). Forest cover and landscape heterogeneity shape ant-plant co-occurrence networks in human-dominated tropical rainforests. Landscape Ecology 34: 93-104.
  84) Alvarado, F; Dáttilo, W.; Escobar, F. (2019). Linking dung beetle’s diversity and its ecological function in a gradient of livestock intensification management in the Neotropical region. Applied Soil Ecology 143: 173-180.
  83) Ferndandes, T.; Dáttilo, W.; Silva, R.R.; Luna, P.; Oliveira, C.; Morini, M.S.C. (2019). Ant occupation of twigs in the leaf litter of the Atlantic Forest: influence of the environment and external twig structure. Tropical Conservation Science 12: 1-9.
  82) Anjos, D.V.; Luna, P.; Borges, C.; Dáttilo, W.; Del-Claro, K. (2019). Structural changes over time in individual-based networks involving a harvester ant, seeds and invertebrates. Ecological Entomology 44: 753-761.
  81) Antoniazzi, R.; Garro, R.N.S.L.; Dáttilo, W.; Ribeiro, S.P.; Neves, F.S. (2019) Ant species richness and interactions in canopies of two distinct successional stages in a tropical dry forest. The Science of Nature 106: 20 (1-14).
  80) Ahuatzin, D.A.; Corro, E.J.; Aguirre, A.; Valenzuela-González, J.; Feitosa, R.M.; Ribeiro, M.C.; Acosta, J.C.; Coates, R.; Dáttilo, W. (2019). Forest cover drives leaf litter ant diversity in primary rainforest remnants within human-modified tropical landscapes. Biodiversity and Conservation 28: 1091-1107.
  79) Miranda, P.N.; Ribeiro, J.E.L.S.; Luna, P.; Brasil, I.; Delabie, J.H.C.; Dáttilo, W. (2019). The dilemma of binary or weighted data in interaction networks. Ecological Complexity 38: 1-10.
  78) Lourenço, G.M.; Soares, G.R.; Santos, T.P.; Dáttilo, W.; Freitas, A.V.L.; Ribeiro, S.P. (2019). Equal but different: natural ecotones are dissimilar to anthropic edges. PLoS One 14(3): e0213008.
  77) Chávez-González, E.; Dáttilo, W.; Ortiz-Pulido, R. (2019). Las relaciones entre colibríes y plantas desde un enfoque mexicanísimo. Biodiversitas 144: 2-5.
  76) Martínez-Falcón, A.P.; Martínez-Adriano, C.A.; Dáttilo, W. (2019). Redes complejas como herramientas para estudiar la diversidad de las interacciones ecológicas. In: Moreno, C. (Ed.) Book: La biodiversidad en un mundo cambiante: fundamentos teóricos y metodológicos para su estudio. Libermex Publisher. pp. 265-283.
  75) Salomão, R.P.; González-Tokman, D.; Dáttilo, W.; Acosta, J.C.L.; Favila, M.E. (2018). Landscape structure and composition define the body condition of dung beetles (Coleoptera: Scarabaeinae) in a fragmented tropical rainforest. Ecological Indicators 88: 144-151.
  74) Izzo, T.J.; Piedade, M.T.F.; Dáttilo, W. (2018). Postponing the production of ant domatia as a strategy promoting an escape from flooding in an Amazonian myrmecophyte. Annals of Botany 122: 985-911.
  73) Koch, E.; Dáttilo, W.; Camarota, F.; Vasconcelos, H.L. (2018). From species to individuals: does the variation in ant-plant networks scale result in structural and functional changes?. Population Ecology 60: 309-3018.
  72) Anjos, D.V.; Dáttilo, W.; Del-Claro, K. (2018). Unmasking the architecture of ant–diaspore networks in the Brazilian Savanna. PLoS One 13: e0201117.
  71) Fagundes, R.; Lange, D.; Anjos, D.V.; Lima, F.P.; Nahas, L.; Corro, E.; Silva, P.B.G.; Del-Claro, K.; Ribeiro, S.P.; Dáttilo, W. (2018). Limited effects of fire disturbances on the species diversity and structure of ant-plant interaction networks in Brazilian Cerrado. Acta Oecologica 93: 65-73.
  70) Aguirre, A.; Dáttilo, W.; Rodríguez-Morales, D.; Canchola-Orozco, S.; Cocoletzi, E.; Coates, R.; Ángeles, G. (2018). Foraging ants on the extrafloral nectaries repel nectar thieves but not the effective pollinator of Vigna luteola (Fabaceae) in a Mexican coastal sand dune. Sociobiology 65: 621-629.
  69) Ramos-Robles, M.; Dáttilo, W.; Andresen, E.; Díaz-Castelazo, C. (2018). Fruit traits and temporal abundance shape plant-frugivore interaction networks in a seasonal tropical forest. The Science of Nature 105: 29 (1-11).
  68) Luna, P.; García-Chavez, J.; Dáttilo, W. (2018). Complex foraging ecology of the red harvester ant and its effect on the soil seed bank. Acta Oecologica 86: 57-65.
  67) Luna, P.; Peñaloza-Arellane, Y.; Castillo-Meza, A.L.; García-Chávez, J.H.; Dáttilo, W. (2018). Beta diversity of ant-plant interactions over day-night periods and plant physiognomies in a semiarid environment. Journal of Arid Environments 156: 69-76.
  66) Luna, P. and Dáttilo, W. (2018). A new protocol using artificial seeds to evaluate dietary preferences of harvester ants in semi-arid environments. Sociobiology 65: 149-154.
  65) Luna, P.; Anjos, D.V.; García-Chávez, J.H.; Dáttilo, W. (2018). Exploring the vegetation: Seed harvester ants climb and remove seeds from a giant cactus in a semiarid environment. Journal of Arid Environments 156:106-109.
  64) Flores-Flores, R.V.; Aguirre, A.; Anjos, D.V.; Neves, F.S.; Campos, R.I.; Dáttilo, W. (2018). Food source quality and ant dominance hierarchy influence the outcomes of ant-plant interactions in an arid environment. Acta Oecologica 87: 13-19.
  63) Dáttilo, W. and Rico-Gray, V. (Eds.) (2018). Book: Ecological Networks in the Tropics: An Integrative Overview of Species Interactions from Some of the Most Species-Rich Habitats on Earth. ISBN: 978-3-319-68227-3. Springer. 201p.
  62) Del-Claro, K.; Lange, D.; Torezan-Silingardi, H.M.; Anjos, D.V.; Calixto, E.S.; Dáttilo, W. and Rico-Gray, V. (2018). The complex relationships between ants and plants into tropical ecological networks. In: Dáttilo, W. and Rico-Gray, V. (Eds.) Book: Ecological Networks in the Tropics: An Integrative Overview of Species Interactions from Some of the Most Species-Rich Habitats on Earth. Springer Publisher. pp. 59-71.
  61) Antoniazzi-Jr, R.; Dáttilo, W. and Rico-Gray, V. (2018). A useful guide of main indices and software used for ecological networks studies. In: Dáttilo, W. and Rico-Gray, V. (Eds.) Book: Ecological Networks in the Tropics: An Integrative Overview of Species Interactions from Some of the Most Species-Rich Habitats on Earth. Springer Publisher. pp. 185-196.

60) Roslin, T.; Hardwick, B.; Novotny, V.; Petry, W.K.; Andrew, N.R.; Asmus, A.; Barrio, I.C.; Basset, Y.; Boesing, A.L.; Bonebrake T.C.; Cameron, E.K. Dáttilo, W.; et al. (2017). Higher predation risk for insect prey at low latitudes and elevations. Science 356: 742–744. Press

  59) Falcão, J.C.F.; Dáttilo, W.; Díaz-Castelazo, C.; Rico-Gray, V. (2017). Assessing the impacts of tramp and invasive species on the structure and dynamics of ant-plant interaction networks. Biological Conservation 209: 517-523.
  58) Guerra, T.J.; Dayrell, R.L.C.; Arruda, A.J.; Dáttilo, W.; Teixido, A.L.; Messeder, J.V.S.; Silveira, F.A.O. (2017). Intraspecific variation in fruit-frugivore interactions: effects of fruiting neighbourhood and consequences for seed dispersal. Oecologia 185: 233–243.
  57) Pinho, B.X.; Dáttilo, W.; Leal, I.R. (2017). Structural breakdown of specialized plant-herbivore interaction networks in tropical forest edges. Global Ecology and Conservartion 12: 1-8.
  56) Gadelha, Y.; Lange, D.; Dáttilo, W.; Cortês-Lopes, B. (2017). Phenological phases of the host plant shape plant-treehopper interaction networks. Ecological Entomology 42: 827-837.
  55) Fagundes, R.; Dáttilo, W.; Ribeiro, S.P.; Rico-Gray, V.; Jordano, P.; Del-Claro, K. (2017). Differences between ant species in plant protection are influenced by the production of extrafloral nectar and related to the degree of leaf herbivory. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 122: 71-83.
  54) Luna, P.; Corro-Mendéz, E.; Ahuatzin-Flores, D.A.; Antoniazzi-J, R.L.; Barrozo-Chávez, N.; Chávez-González. E.; Morales-Trejo, J.; Dáttilo, W. (2017). The risk of use small matrices to measure specialization in host-parasite interaction networks: a comment to Rivera-García et al. (2016). Parasitology 144: 1102-1106
  53) Dáttilo, W.; Aguirre A.; Flores-Flores R.V.; Ahuatzin-Flores D.A.; Corro-Mendez E. (2017). Plantas, hormigas y herbívoros interactúan en un ambiente semiárido en el centro de México, ¿cómo lo hacen?. Biodiversitas 132: 12-16.
  52) Dáttilo, W.; Falcão, J.C.F.; Rico-Gray, V. (2017). Efecto de la dominancia jerárquica de las hormigas y del esfuerzo de muestreo sobre la estructura de las redes de interacciones hormiga-planta. pp. 77-86. In: Orduña, F.G.; Hernández, M.J.R.; Landa, J.F.R.; Castilla, P.C. (Eds.) Book: Naturaleza, Cerebro y Conducta. Editorial de la Universidad Veracruzana.
  51) Dáttilo, W. ; Ahuatzin-Flores, D.A.; Corro-Mendez, E.J.; Escobar, F.; MacGregor-Fors, I. (2017). Redes complexas no estudo das interações ecológicas entre formigas e plantas em ambientes urbanos: um novo modelo conceitual. pp. 265-284. In: Bueno, O.C.; Campos, A.E.C.; Morini, M.S.C. (Eds.) Book: Formigas em Ambientes Urbanos do Brasil. Canal 6 Editora.
  50) Dáttilo, W.; Lara-Rodríguez, N.; Jordano, P.; Guimarães-Jr, P.; Thompson, J.N.; Marquis, R.J.; Medeiros, L.P.; Ortiz-Pulido, R.; Marcos-García, M.A.; Rico-Gray, V. (2016). Unraveling Darwin's entangled bank: architecture and robustness of mutualistic networks with multiple interaction types. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 283: id20161564.
49) Dáttilo, W.; Aguirre, A.; De La Torre, L.P.; Kaminski, L.A.; García-Chavez, J.; Rico-Gray, V. (2016). Trait-mediated indirect interactions of ant shape on the attack of caterpillars and fruits. Biology Letters 12: id20160401.
48) Falcão, J.C.F.; Dáttilo, W.; Rico-Gray, V. (2016). Sampling effort differences can lead to biased conclusions on the architecture of ant-plant interaction networks. Ecological Complexity 25: 44-52.
47) Benítez-Malvido, J.; Dáttilo, W.; Martínez-Falcón, A.P; Duran-Barron, C.; Valenzuela, J.; Lopez, S.; Lombera, R. (2016). The multiple impacts of tropical forest fragmentation on arthropod biodiversity and on their patterns of interactions with host plants. PLoS One 11(1): e0146461.
46) DaRocha, W.; Neves, F.S.; Dáttilo, W.; Delabie, J.H.C. (2016). Epiphytic bromeliads as key components for maintenance of ant diversity and ant-bromeliad interactions in agroforestry system canopies. Forest Ecology and Management 372: 128-136.
45) Benítez-Malvido, J.; Martínez-Falcón, A.P; Dáttilo, W.; Gonzalez-DiPierro A.M.; Estrada, R.L.; Traveset, A. (2016). The role of sex and age in the architecture of intrapopulation howler monkey-plant networks in continuous and fragmented rain forests. PeerJ 4: e1809.
44) Gadelha, Y.E.A.; Dáttilo, W.; Evangelista, O.; Cortês-Lopes, B. (2016). Structure of mutualistic ant-treehopper interactions in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest. Journal of Tropical Ecology 32: 250-259.
43) Fagundes, R.; Dáttilo, W.; Ribeiro, S.P.; Rico-Gray, V.; Del-Claro, K. (2016). Food sources availability and interspecific dominance as structural mechanisms of ant-plant-hemipteran multitrophic networks. Arthropod-Plant Interactions 10: 207-220.
42) Del-Claro, K.; Rico-Gray, V.; Torezan-Silingardi, H.M.; Alves-Silva, E.; Fagundes, R.; Lange, D.; Dáttilo, W.; Vilela, A.A.; Aguirre, A.; Rodríquez-Morales, D. (2016). Loss and gains in ant-plant interactions mediated by extrafloral nectar: fidelity, cheats, and lies. Insectes Sociaux 63: 207-221.

41) Benítez-Malvido, J. and Dáttilo, W. (2015). Interaction intimacy of pathogens and herbivores with their plant hosts influences the topological structure of ecological networks in different ways. American Journal of Botany 102(4): 1–8. Highlighted paper
40) Falcão, J.C.F.; Dáttilo, W.; Izzo, T.J. (2015). Efficiency of different planted forests in recovering biodiversity and ecological interactions in Brazilian Amazon. Forest Ecology and Management 339: 105-111. ScienceDirect: Top 25 Hottest Articles and Press
39) Dáttilo, W.; Aguirre, A.; Flores-Flores, R.; Fagundes, R.; Lange, D.; García-Chavez, J.; Del-Claro, K.; Rico-Gray, V. (2015). Secretory activity of extrafloral nectaries shaping multitrophic ant-plant-herbivore interactions in an arid environment. Journal of Arid Environments 114: 104-109.
38) Dáttilo, W.; Aguirre, A.; Quesada, M.; Dirzo, R. (2015). Tropical forest fragmentation affects floral visitors but not the structure of individual-based palm-pollinator networks. PLoS One 10(3): e0121275.
37) Moreira, D.D.O.; Dáttilo, W.; Morais, V.; Erthal Jr., M.; Silva, C.P.; Samuels, R.I. (2015). Diet type modifies ingestion rates and trophallactic exchanges in leaf cutting ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 154: 45-52.
36) Ramírez-Flores, V.; Villanueva-Gutiérrez, R.; Roubik, D.W.; Vergara, C.H.; Lara-Rodríguez, N.; Dáttilo, W.; Bonet-Ferrer, M.E.; Rico-Gray, V. (2015). Topological structure of plant-bee networks in four different Mexican environments. Sociobiology 62(1): 56-64.
35) Dáttilo, W. (2015). Mutualistic Networks by Jordi Bascompte and Pedro Jordano. Journal of Complex Networks 3(1): 158-158.

34) Dáttilo, W.; Marquitti, F.M.D.; Guimarães, P.R.; Izzo, T.J. (2014). The structure of ant-plant ecological networks: is abundance enough?. Ecology 95: 475-485.
33) Dáttilo, W.; Díaz-Castelazo, C.; Rico-Gray, V. (2014). Ant dominance hierarchy determines the nested pattern in ant-plant networks. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 113: 405-414.
32) Dáttilo, W.; Fagundes, R.; Gurka, C.A.Q.; Silva, M.S.A.; Vieira, M.C.L.; Izzo, T.J.; Díaz-Castelazo, C.; Del-Claro, K.; Rico-Gray, V. (2014). Individual-based ant-plant networks: diurnal-nocturnal structure and species-area relationship. PLoS One 9(6): e99838.
31) Dáttilo, W. and Dyer, L. (2014). Canopy openness enhances diversity of ant–plant interactions in the Brazilian Amazon rainforest. Biotropica 46: 712-719. Photos from the field
30) Benítez-Malvido, J.; Martínez-Falcón, A.P; Dáttilo, W.; del-Val, E. (2014). Diversity and network structure of invertebrate communities associated to Heliconia species in natural and human disturbed tropical rain forests. Global Ecology and Conservation 2: 107-117.
29) Santos, G.M.M.; Dáttilo, W.; Presley, S.J. (2014). The seasonal dynamic of ant-flower networks in a semi-arid tropical environment. Ecological Entomology 39: 674–683.
28) Dáttilo, W.; Serio-Silva, J.C.; Chapman, C.; Rico-Gray, V. (2014). Highly nested diets in intrapopulation tropical monkey-resource food webs. American Journal of Primatology 76: 670–678.
27) Dáttilo, W.; Sánchez-Gálvan, I.; Lange, D.; Del-Claro, K.; Rico-Gray, V. (2014). Importance of interaction frequency in analysis of ant-plant networks in tropical environments. Journal of Tropical Ecology 30: 165-168.
26) Vicente, R.E.; Dáttilo, W.; Izzo, T.J. (2014). Differential recruitment of Camponotus femoratus (Fabricius, 1804) ants in response to ant-gardens herbivory. Neotropical Entomology 43: 519–525.
25) Nunes, R.V.; Carvalho, M.S.G.; Vaz-de-Mello, F.Z.; Dáttilo, W.; Izzo, T.J. (2014). Taxonomic composition of Scarabaeinae dung beetles (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) inhabiting fluvial islands in the southern Brazilian Amazon. Annales de la Société Entomologique de France 50: 407-413.
24) Martins, P.M.S.; Viana, N.F.; Almeida, F.S.; Dáttilo, W.; Santanna, A.S.; Martins, L.; Vargas, A.B. (2014). Seasonality of epigaeic ant communities in a Brazilian Atlantic rainforest. Sociobiology 61: 178-183.
23) Campos, V.A.; Dáttilo, W.; Oda, F.H.; Piroseli, L.E.; Dartora, A. (2014). Detection and use of foraging trails of the leaf-cutting ant Atta laevigata (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) by Amphisbaena alba (Reptilia: Squamata). Acta Zoológica Mexicana 30: 403-407.
22) Falcão, J.C.F.; Dáttilo, W.; Izzo, T.J. (2014). Temporal variation in extrafloral nectar secretion in different ontogenetic stages of the fruits of Alibertia verrucosa S. Moore (Rubiaceae) in a Neotropical savanna. Journal of Plant-Interactions 9: 137-142.

21) Dáttilo, W.; Guimarães, P.R.; Izzo, T.J. (2013). Spatial structure of ant-plant mutualistic networks. Oikos 122: 1643-1648. Oikos Blog
20) Dáttilo, W.; Izzo, T.J.; Vasconcelos, H.L.; Rico-Gray, V. (2013) Strength of the modular pattern in Amazonian symbiotic ant-plant networks. Arthropod-Plant Interactions 7: 455-461.
19) Dáttilo, W.; Rico-Gray, V.; Rodrigues, D.J.; Izzo, T.J. (2013). Soil and vegetation features determine the nested pattern of ant-plant networks in a tropical rainforest. Ecological Entomology 38: 374-380.
18) Clemente, M.A.; Lange, D.; Dáttilo, W.; Del-Claro, K.; Prezoto, F. (2013). Social wasp-flower visiting guild in less structurally complex habitats are more susceptible to local extinction. Sociobiology 60: 337-344.
17) Lange, D.; Dáttilo, W.; Del-Claro, K. (2013). Influence of extrafloral nectary phenology on ant-plant mutualistic networks in a Neotropical Savanna. Ecological Entomology 38: 463-469.
16) Hernández-Yáñez, H.; Lara-Rodríguez, N.; Díaz-Castelazo, C.; Dáttilo, W.; Rico-Gray, V. (2013). Understanding the structure of a plant-floral visitor network in coastal Veracruz, Mexico. Sociobiology 60: 329-336.
15) Dáttilo, W.; Falcão, J.C.F.; Yanoviak, S.P.; Poinar-Jr, G.; Izzo, T.J. (2013). The geographic distribution of parasite induced fruit mimicry in Cephalotes atratus (Formicidae: Myrmicinae). The Journal of Parasitology 99: 155-157.

14) Dáttilo, W. (2012). Different tolerances of symbiotic and nonsymbiotic ant-plant networks to species extinctions. Network Biology 2(4): 127-138.
13) Dáttilo, W.; Falcão, J.C.F.; Teixeira, M.C. (2012). Predictive model of distribution of Atta robusta Borgmeier 1939 (Hymenoptera: Formicidae): subsidies for conservation of a Brazilian leaf-cutting ant endangered species. Studies on Neotropical Fauna and Environment 47: 193-201.
12) Dáttilo, W.; Martins, R.L. Uhde, V.; Noronha, J.C.; Florêncio, F.P.; Izzo, T.J. (2012). Floral resource partitioning by ants and bees in a jambolan Syzygium jambolanum (Myrtaceae) agroforestry system in Brazilian Meridional Amazon. Agroforestry Systems 85: 105-111.
11) Dáttilo, W. and Izzo, T.J. (2012). Temperature influence on species co-occurrence patterns in treefall gap and dense forest ant communities in a terra-firme forest of Central Amazon, Brazil. Sociobiology 59: 351:367.
10) Vicente, R.E.; Dáttilo, W.; Izzo, T.J. (2012). New record of a very specialized interaction: Myrcidris epicharis Ward 1990 (Pseudomyrmecinae) and its myrmecophyte host Myrcia madida McVaugh (Myrtaceae) in Brazilian Meridional Amazon. Acta Amazonica 42: 567-570.
9) Dáttilo, W.; Vicente, R.E.; Nunes, R.V.; Feitosa, R.M. (2012). Influence of cave size and presence of bat guano on ant visitation. Sociobiology 59: 549-559.

  8) Pignati, M.T.; Dáttilo, W.; Pezzuti, J.C.B. (2011). Podocnemis unifilis (yellow-headed sideneck): nest predation by ants. Herpetological Review 42: 422-423.
7) Nunes, R.V.; Dáttilo, W.; Carvalho, M.S.G.; Chagas, P.B.C.; Louzada-Silva, D. (2011). Primeiro registro de ninho de jacaré com bivaque de formiga de correição no Cerrado brasileiro. Revista Brasileira de Zoociências 13: 213-219.
6) Dáttilo, W.; Sibinel, N.; Falcão, J.C.F.; Nunes, R.V. (2011). Mirmecofauna em um fragmento de Floresta Atlântica urbana no município de Marília, Brasil. Bioscience Journal 27: 494-504.
5) Dáttilo, W.; Vicente, R. E.; Nunes, R.V.; Carvalho, M.S.G. (2010). Primeiro registro da quenquém cisco-da-Amazônia Acromyrmex hystrix Latreille, 1802 (Formicidae: Myrmicinae) para o estado do Maranhão, Brasil. EntomoBrasilis 3: 92-93.
  4) Dáttilo, W.; Izzo, T.J.; Inouye, B.D.; Vasconcelos, H.L.; Bruna, E.M. (2009). Recognition of host plant volatiles by Pheidole minutula Mayr (Myrmicinae), an Amazonian ant-plant specialist. Biotropica 41: 642-646.
3) Dáttilo, W.; Marques, E.C.; Falcão, J.C.F.; Moreira, D.D.O. (2009). Interações mutualísticas entre formigas e plantas. EntomoBrasilis 2: 32-36.
2) DePaula, A.R.; Vieira, L.P.; Dáttilo, W.; Carneiro, C.N.B.; Erthal Jr., M.; Brito, E. S.; Silva, C.P.; Samuels, R.I. (2006). Patogenicidade e efeito comportamental de Photorhabdus temperata K122 nas formigas cortadeiras Acromyrmex subterraneus subterraneus e Atta laevigata (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). O Biológico 68: 118-122.
1) Dáttilo, W.; Erthal Jr., M.; Moreira, D.D.O.; Silva, C.P.; Samuels, R.I. (2006). Sobrevivência de operárias da formiga cortadeira Acromyrmex subterraneus subterraneus (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) quando supridas com diferentes dietas e inibidores enzimáticos. O Biológico 68: 113-117.