ECOlogical and COevolutionary dynamics of SPECIES interactions

The Dáttilo's Lab


Prospective students and Postdoctoral Fellows

We are looking for talented and motivated students and postdocs regardless of ethnicity, color, religion, gender, national origin, or ancestry.

At this moment, I can serve as the primary advisor for students at the Instituto de Ecología AC (Mexico), Universidad Veracruzana (Mexico), and Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso (Brazil).

M.Sc. Ph.D. and Postdoctoral Fellowships are available through the Mexican and Brazilian National Councils of Science and Technology (CONACYT and CNPq, respectively). Successful candidates will receive full fellowships. Undergraduate students who also are interested in pursuing a research project should contact me directly.

Members of the group have an opportunity to work on a rich and diverse set of ecological problems, and to develop a unique set of skills, knowledge and research connections that will enable them to launch successful careers in theoretical and applied ecology. And we have fun doing it!

We always have new research opportunities available in the lab so please contact me if you are interested in our research.


Who is who - Meet the Lab


Principal investigator

Dr. Wesley Dáttilo. I am Assistant Professor and Researcher at the Department of Eco-ethology at the Instituto de Ecología, A.C. (Mexico) with experience on tropical ecology, species interactions, ecological networks, and conservation biology.

Date of Birth: August 03, 1987. Place: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil


PhD. Students

Postdoctoral fellow

Ricardo Ortíz (2024-Current)

Research project: Relationships between howler monkey and dung beetles in tropical rainforests (Instituto de Ecología AC - Mexico). Co-supervised with Dr. Juan Serio-Silva.

Fernanda Baena (2022-Current)

Research project: Aspects of honey bee ecology in human-disturbed landscapes (Instituto de Ecología AC - Mexico).

Kevin Gutiérrez (2024-Current)

Research project: Intrinsic properties of bat-flower networks (Universidad Veracruzana - Mexico). Co-supervised with Dra. Dulce Morales.

Brenda Ratoni (2023-Current)

Research project: Temporal scaling of ecological networks (Instituto de Ecologia A.C. - Mexico).

Research Assistant

Ricardo Madrigal (2015-Current)

He is currently supporting our projects on biotic interactions in tropical landscapes.

Issaac Teodosio (2023-Current)

Research project: Species interaction networks in urban environments. (Instituto de Ecologia A.C. - Mexico)

Misael Gómez (2024-Current)

He is currently supporting our projects on data mining and synthesis.

Mariana Romanini (2023-Current)

Research project: Pollination networks in urban environments (Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro - Brazil). Co-supervised with Dr. Jarbas Queiroz.

Paulo Mejia (2022-Current)

Research project: Interaction networks involving bats and their ectoparasites (Universidade Federal Rural do Amapá - Brazil). Co-supervised with Dr. Julio Toledo.

MSc. Students

Fernando Valdez (2024-Current)

Research project: Functional traits associated with ants thermal tolerance (Instituto de Ecologia A.C. - Mexico).

Elliott Oliveira (2020-Current)

Research project: Insects and climate change (Universidade de São Paulo - Brazil). Co-supervised with Dr. Kleber Del-Claro.

Juan Miguel Carvajal (2024-Current)

Research project: Drivers of food plant hotspots in Mexico.  (Instituto de Ecologia A.C. - Mexico). Co-supervised with Dr. Tlacaelel Rivera.

Jefferson Oliveira (2020-Current)

Research project:  The effects of anthropization of Amazon rainforest on plant-animal relationships (Universidade Federal de Viçosa - Brazil). Co-supervised with Dr. Lucas Paolucci.

Andrés Contreras (2023-Current)

Research project: Seasonal variation in plant–pollinator networks (Instituto de Ecologia A.C. - Mexico).

Daniela Alicia Torres (2019-Current)

Research project: Primary seed dispersal by howler monkeys (Instituto de Ecologia A.C. - Mexico). Co-supervised with Dr. Juan Serio-Silva.

Alejandro Villa (2023-Current)

Research project: Integrating biotic interactions into niche models  (Instituto de Ecologia A.C. - Mexico). Co-supervised with Dr. Octavio Rojas.

Honorary members

Cauê Dáttilo (2019-Current)

Research project: This cutie 4 year old is interested in growing plants and building legos.

Nickie (2019-Current)

Research project: She is interested in exploring nature, hunting butterflies, and in Extinction Vortex of her toys.



Visiting Students

Brenda Juárez (2020-2024) - PhD. in Ecology

Research project: Ant-plant interaction networks: a global overview. (Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo - Mexico). Co-supervised with Dra. Claudia Moreno.

Patricia Ferreira (2024)

Research project: Landscape-level effects on morphological traits in birds (Universidade Estadual Paulista - Brazil).


Carlos Pinilla (2020-2024) - PhD. in Ecology

Research project:  Modelling the interactive role of the honeybee within pollination networks (Instituto de Ecología AC - Mexico).

João Silva (2024)

Research project: Fish-parasite relationships in Amazon (Universidade Estadual de Maringá - Brazil).

Luis Quijano (2019-2023) - PhD. in Ecology

Research project: Spider diversity and ecological functions in agroecosystems  (Instituto de Ecologia A.C. - Mexico).Co-supervised with Dr. Simoneta Negrete.

Daniela Figueroa (2023)

Research project: Hummingbird-plant relationships in the face of climate warming (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México - Mexico).

Brenda Ratoni (2021-2023) -
MSc. in Ecology

Research project: Thermal tolerance of pollinators along ecological gradients (Instituto de Ecologia A.C. - Mexico).

Daiane Carreira (2018)

Research project: Frugivory in tropical rainforests (Universidade de São Paulo - Brazil).

José Barreiro (2022-2023) - BSc in Biology

Research project: Thermal tolerance of honeybees along elevational gradients (Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla - Mexico).

Diego Anjos (2017)

Research project: Ant-seed interactions in the Neotropical savannah (Universidade de São Paulo - Brazil).

Pedro Luna (2018-2022) - PhD. in Ecology

Research project: Plant–pollinator interactions along altitudinal gradients (Instituto de Ecologia A.C. - Mexico).

Arleu Viana (2017)

Research project: Termites over tropical altitudinal gradients (Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais- Brazil).

Diana Ahuatzin Flores (2017-2022) - PhD. in Ecology

Research project: Multi-scale modelling and ant physiology in fragmented landscapes (Instituto de Ecología A.C. - Mexico). Co-supervised with Dr. Daniel González-Tokman.

Giselle Martins (2017)

Research project: Distribution patterns in butterflies (Universidade Estadual de Campinas- Brazil).

Erick Corro-Méndez (2017-2022)- PhD. in Ecology

Research project: The macroecology of ecological networks (Instituto de Ecologia A.C. - Mexico). Co-supervised with Dr. Fabricio Villalobos.

Sinead Gómez (2016)

Research project: Plant-plant interaction networks (Universidad Autónoma de Morelos - Mexico).

Andrea Esquivel (2020-2022)- MSc. in Ecology

Research project: Competitive interactions between exotic and native dung beetles (Instituto de Ecologia A.C. - Mexico). Co-supervised with Dr. Daniel Tokman.

Tae Tanaami (2016)

Research project: Twigs as nest-building resources for ants (Universidade de Mogi das Cruzes - Brazil).

Issaac Teodosio (2019-2021)- MSc. in Ecology

Research project: Avian frugivory and seed dispersal in urban landscapes (Instituto de Ecologia A.C. - Mexico).

Nancy Baez (2016)

Research project: Dung beetles in fragmented landscapes (Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla - Mexico).

Brenda Ratoni (2019-2021)- BSc. in Biology

Research project: Functional diversity of dung beetles in fragmented landscapes (Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla - Mexico)

Reuber Antoniazzi (2016-2020)- PhD in Ecology

Research project: Ant-plant interactions in forest canopies (Instituto de Ecologia A.C. - Mexico). Co-supervised with Dr. Maurice Leponce.


Rodrigo Mello (2016-2020)- PhD in Ecology

Research project: Landscape effects on plant-bat networks (Universidade Federal de Lavras, Brazil). Co-supervised with Dr. Renato Gregorin.

Patricia N. Miranda (2015-2019) - PhD in Ecology

Research project: Effects of forest fragmentation on ant-plant interactions mediated by extrafloral nectaries (Universidade Estadual de Londrina, Brazil).



Juan Trejo (2016-2019) - MSc in Ecology

Research project: Secondary seed dispersion by dung beetles (Instituto de Ecología A.C. - Mexico).


Edgar Gonzalez (2016-2018) - MSc in Ecology

Research project: Probabilistic models to study plant-hummingbird networks (Instituto de Ecología A.C. - Mexico).


Pedro Luna (2016-2018) - MSc in Ecology

Research project: Temporal dynamic of individual-based networks (Instituto de Ecologia A.C. - Mexico).


Nathalia Barrozo (2016-2018) - MSc in Ecology

Research project: Mammal–ectoparasite interaction networks (Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso - Brazil).


Erick Corro-Méndez (2015-2017) - MSc in Ecology

Research project: Ant-plant interactions in fragmented rainforests (Instituto de Ecología A.C. - Mexico).



Diana Ahuatzin-Flores (2015-2017) - MSc in Ecology

Research project: Ecological and functional diversity of ants in fragmented landscapes (Instituto de Ecología A.C. - Mexico).



Ricardo E. Vicente (2012-2016) - PhD. in Ecology

Research project: Ants garden in treefall gaps of Amazonian rainforests (Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso - Brazil).




Natalí Sánchez-Garzón (2014-2016) - M.S. in Ecology

Research project: Food webs of black howler monkeys in fragmented landscapes (Instituto de Ecología A.C. - Mexico).




Andréa Marry Santana (2014-2016) - M.S. in Zoology

Research project: Ants foraging on plants bearing extrafloral nectar in rupestre fields. (Universidade Estadual de Feira de Santana - Brazil).




Rocío Flores (2015-2016) - BSc in Biology

Research project: Multitrophic interactions between ants, plants and herbivores in arid environments (Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla - Mexico).